As part of the University management strategies efforts to launch the University into one of the best in Nigeria, considering the need for improved critical infrastructure and promotion of student’s welfare, the Vice Chancellor, Rev. Prof. Christian Anieke in July 2017, inaugurated the Directorate of Development and Legacy Projects (DDLP). He charged members of the Directorate to go all out to mobilize local and international funds for the development of the university and empowerment of its students through scholarship.

Armed with the goals and mandate of the Directorate, the Directorate team met severally and came up with the idea of setting up and launching “the Go University Scholarship Trust Fund” in order to provide sufficient funds for the funding of the University scholarship scheme.

Objectives of the Scholarship Scheme

To source local and international funds to promote career programme of undergraduate and postgraduate students of GO University through scholarship.
To identify and encourage GO University students with the special intellectual capacity to attain the highest level of education through the University scholarship scheme.
To serve as a link between beneficiaries of the University Scholarship Scheme and employers of labour in Nigeria and abroad in order to guarantee their employment after graduation. This will enable them contribute to the continuity of the scholarship scheme in the University for the benefits of other students.
To promote and encourage international scholarship opportunities for undergraduate and postgraduate students of the university through effective collaboration with our international partner Universities.

Who can apply?

Undergraduate students of Godfrey Okoye University
Postgraduate students of GO University

How to access the scheme

Obtain scholarship application form from the Directorate of Development and Legacy Projects (DDLP).
Take Godfrey Okoye Scholarship Examination and if you are successful, scholarship is offered to the applicant.
All students on scholarship of the university are mentored by the Directorate of Development and Legacy Projects (DDLP), from time to time to determine the need for their continuation or not.

Source of funds

Under Go University scholarship Trust Fund, funds are generated for the scheme through donations from:

Corporate organizations
The Church
International friends of the University
Go University Parents Forum/ IECE Parents Forum.
Nature of the scholarship

The scholarship scheme targets 2 categories of undergraduate and postgraduate students of the university.

Four year scholarship programme and postgraduate higher education programme for exceptional students of the university.
University intervention fund for indigent students of the university, whose parents cannot sustain the payment of their school fees as a result of sudden financial predicaments.

2017/2018 Scholarship offers

Under the University scholarship scheme Nine (9) students of the University were offered scholarships in the 2017/2018 academic year to pursue their academic programmes in different faculties/departments of the University.

2018/2019 Scholarship Scheme

Applicants are invited to apply for the University Scholarship programme in the 2024/2025 academic year by keeping to the following:

Evidence of Admission into Godfrey Okoye University in 2024/2025 academic session.
Evidence of being a student of Godfrey Okoye University.
For foreign students: evidence of application to study at Godfrey Okoye University.

For Enquiries Call:  08036763601