Celebrate 50 years of publishing by Christoph Stüeckelberger
50 years of publishing!
I started in 1972 at the age of 21 with a one page short piece on apartheid and peace in a local newspaper. 50 years later I look back on over 320 books (as author, volume editor and series editor) and 500 articles.
Create impact by sharing knowledge is my credo. I always aimed to encourage young authors. Publishing is a means to create impact and value-driven change. It is not a goal in itself.
There are so many urgent issues for survival, justice and dignity. Whatever discipline you cover, answer to real needs and contribute to solutions.
Please join me and Globethics.net in celebrating the book launch of “50 Years of Publishing: Bibliography 1972-2022” by Christoph Stückelberger with a hybrid in-person tray lunch event and online webinar. The event aims to develop an understanding of the opportunities and responsibilities to be an author.
This hybrid event will take place online, as a webinar, and on-site, in Salle 1 of the Ecumenical Center, 150 route de Ferney, Geneva, 1211, Switzerland.
More information and registration:
#webinar #event #publishing #ethics