Dr. Nick Ngozichukwu Igwe had been promoted to Associate Professor of Management by the governing Council of Godfrey Okoye University Thinkers Corner Enugu on 1st June 2017, with effect from October 1st 2015. He holds a Ph.D in Business Administration with specialization in Management from the University of Nigeria Nsukka. A Nigerian from Enugu State, he has taught for over ten years in the Universities where he has made significant contributions in technical and scholarly papers published in renowned national and international journals. He is currently the Head of Department of Business Management comprising of three distinct programmes: Management, Marketing and Public Administration. Dr. Nicholas Igwe has excellent Managerial skills and experiences in Organization Development and Designs; Production and Operations Management, Project Planning and Implementation; Leadership Training; Community Development and Business Organizational Acumen. He has research experience as well as teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has presented several papers on management at international and national conferences/workshop. He is a Fellow of Institute of Policy Management Development. Other professional bodies at full membership level are: The Academy of Management Nigeria; Nigerian Institute of Management; Institute of Management Consultants; Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria and Associate Fellow, African Institute for Applied Economics now Afri-Heritage Institutions. Dr. Nicholas Igwe is a consulting editor to International Journal of Global Economics, Management and Business Research; International Journal of Global Research in Education and Social Science since 2016, Renaissance University Journal of Management and Social Science and Business Editor, GOUni Journal of Management and Social Sciences. He is currently embarking on research studies in Production/Operations problems and low capacity utilization's in the manufacturing sub-sectors; Designing a result based project/program monitoring and evaluation system for developing economies.
Research Interest
Organization Development and Designs; Production and Operations Management; Project Management and International Business
Teaching Areas
Administrative; Teaching and Researching in core areas of management: Business Statistics, Business Research methods, Introduction to Business Project Planning and Implementation, International Business, Production and Operations, Management, Comparative Management
Selected Publications
- Igwe N.N. (2005) “Investment Analysis” in Groundwork of Project Management and Feasibility Studies, Imaga E.U.L. (ed.), Enugu: Rhyce Kerex Publishers pp. 235 – 246.
- Igwe N.N. (2005) “Present Value of an Annuity in Investment Analysis” in Groundwork of Project Management and Feasibility Studies, Imaga E.U.L. (ed.), Enugu: Rhyce Kerex Publishers pp. 247 – 260.
- Igwe N. N. (2001) A Monograph on Introduction to Principles of Project Management for Use by Postgraduate Students of Federal University of Owerri, Enugu and Onitsha Study Centres. 2000 – 2002.
- Igwe N.N. (2001) A Monograph on Project Planning and Control for Use by Postgraduate Students of Federal University of Owerri, Enugu and Onitsha Study Centres. 2000 – 2002.
Articles in Learned Journals (Foreign)
- Igwe, N.N. and Ude A.O. (2018) “Project Planning and Implementation in Nigeria: Revisiting International Best Practices” in European Scientific Journal, Vol. 14 No. 14 May URL:http://dx.doi.org/10.19044/esj.2018.v14n140152. ISSN: 1857 – 7881, e-ISSN: 1857 – 7431.
- Alinno, F. C. and Igwe, N.N (2017). “Proactive Human Resource Management and the performance of the privatized organisations: Evidence from selected Nigerian Organisations” in European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 6 No. 1 April URL:http://www.ejbss.com/recent.aspx ISSN: 2235 – 767x.
- Igwe, N.N., Ozofor, N.M. and Alinno, F.C. (2017). “Principals’ Leadership Styles and Students’ Academic Performance in Enugu Metropolis: A Comparative Survey of Public and Mission Secondary Schools” in Archives of Business Research, ABR Vol. 5 Issue 8, abr.scholarpublishing@gmail.com. Society for Science and Education. United Kingdom. ISSN: 2054 – 7404.
- Igwe, N.N. and Odike, M.N. (2016). “A Survey of Principals’ Leadership Styles Associated with Teachers’ job performance in public and missionary Schools in Enugu State Nigeria” in British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science. Vol. 17, Issue 2, Article No. BJESBS 124961, www.sciencedomain.org
- Igwe, N. N. and Nwadialor, E. (2015) “Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reporting in Enhancing Corporate Image” European Journal of Business and Social Sciences Vol. 4, No. 5, August. URL:http://www.ejbss.com /recent.aspx-/. ISSN: 2235-767X.
- Udeh, S. N. and Igwe, N. N. (2014) “The Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Earnings and Net Assets Per Share Indices of Companies in Nigeria” in European Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 6 No. 9. ISSN: 2222 – 1905 (Paper), ISSN 2222 – 2839 (online).
- Igwe, N. N., Nwokedi R. C. and Udeh, S. N. (2014) “An Empirical Investigation into the Impact of Change Management on Selected Manufacturing Firms in South East Nigeria” in International Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 5 No. 1. www.sciedo.ca/ijba ISSN 1923 – 4007 (Print), ISSN 1923 – 4015 (online).
- Monanu O., and Igwe, N. N. (2014) “The Concept of Organizational Transformation and Corporate Governance” in International Journal of Management and Information Technology, Vol. 4 No. 3. www.cirworld.com ISSN 2686 – 2856.
- Nwadialor, E. and Igwe, N. N. (2013) “Adapting Corporate Social Responsibility Programs to Risk Management: A Model for Multinational Organizations in Nigeria” in European Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 5 No. 15. ISSN: 2222 – 1905 (Paper), ISSN 2222 – 2839 (online).
- Udeh, S. N. and Igwe, N. N. (2013) “Effects of Mergers and Acquisitions on Return on Capital Employed and Dividend per Share Indices of Companies in Nigeria” in International Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 4 No. 5. www.sciedu.ca/ijba, ISSN 1923 – 4007 (Print), ISSN 1923 – 4015 (online).
- Igwe, N. N. and Chibuike, V. (2012) “Biotechnology and Sustainable Industrialization for National Development” in Biotechnology and National Development Proceedings of the International Conference on Biotechnology and National Development (ICOBAND), held at Godfrey Okoye University, Ugwuomu Nike, Enugu State, Nigeria, 20 to 23 July, 2011.
- Onodugo, V. A. and Igwe, N. N. (2011) “Building a High Performance Project Team: A Model for Nigerian Organizations” in The International Journal Series on Tropical Issues, Vol. 12 No. 2 August, pp. 201 – 215. http://www.tropicalfocus.org
- Igwe, N. N., Chibuike, V.C. and Alinno F. C. (2012) “The Readiness of Organizations for a Successful Change Management in a Hyper-Competitive Environment” in The International Bilingual and Multidisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Issues and Development Studies (IBAMJOCIDS), Vol. 2, No. 2 November. ISSN: 2315 – 8557 www.caassmr.blogspot.com
- Ukenna S., Olise M.C, Chibuike V.C., Anionwu C., Igwe N.N. and Okoli I.E. (2012) “Drivers of Bank Loyalty among Students in Nigeria: Positing the 12 – Point Student Customer Bank Loyalty Index Model in American Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 1 No. 3. pp. 172–176, ISSN 2167-9614 (online) worldscholars. ISSN:2167-9606(Print); ISSN: 2167-9614 (online).
- Muonanu, O., Igwe, N. N. and Onwumere, J.U.J (2012) “An Empirical Investigation into the Performance Management Practices of Selected Manufacturing Firms in Southern Nigeria” in European Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 4 No. 15. pp. 43 – 48, ISSN 2222–2839 (online) www.iiste.org, ISSN
- Igwe, N. N. (2017), 11th Annual National Conference of The Academy of Management Nigeria that held at the Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka from October 25th to 26th, 2017 on the theme: Service Delivery for a new Nigeria.
- Igwe, N. N. (2017) International Conference on Quality Assurance and Innovative Research in Higher Education in Africa, organised by the Directorate of Academic Planning, Godfrey Okoye University Enugu, 1st – 4th March.
- Igwe, N. N. (2017). “Project Planning and Implementation: Revisiting International Best Practices” in First National Conference on Public Administration and Governance. Theme: Reinventing Administration Strategies, Transformation and Public Values for sustainable Development. Organised by Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences Ebonyi State University, Venue: Staff Development Centre Abakaliki 20th – 21st March.
- Igwe, N. N. (2017). “Innovation in Educational Leadership”. Paper presented at 1st National Conference: Innovation in Education for competitiveness in a Global Economy organised by the Faculty of Education Godfrey Okoye University Enugu. From 1st – 4th May.
- Igwe, N.N. (2017). “Coping with Recession in the 21st Century: The need for a continuous latch onto small scale Enterprises” a workshop paper on coping with Recession in the 21st century organized by the Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, Godfrey Okoye University Thinkers Corner Enugu, 29th – 30th May.
- Igwe, N. N. (2016). Attended the 6th Annual Youth Peace Conference held at Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu on 3rd October, 2016.
- Igwe, N. N. (2016). Certification of Participation, in Seminar on Corporate Governance and Africapitalism held at University Board Room, Godfrey Okoye University. Faculty of Management and Social Sciences 1st July, 2016.
- Igwe, N. N. (2015) Attended the 5th Annual Youth Peace Conference held at Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu on 5th October.
- Igwe, N. N. (2015) Innovative Grant Writing Workshop Organized by European and United States of America Academic Researchers on Collaborative Networks held at Godfrey Okoye University, Thinkers Corner, Enugu from March 16 – 17.
- Igwe, N. N. (2014) Attended the 4th Annual Youth Peace Conference held at Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu on 6th October.
- Igwe, N. N. (2013) Advanced Research Methods and Software Operation for Data Analysis Organized by African Higher Education and Research Observatory, United Kingdom, UK (http://www.afrihero.org.uk) held at Stargate Hotel Awka, 2nd – 5th September.
- Igwe, N. N. (2013) National Workshop on Research Methodology in Social Sciences, Organized by Faculty of Social Sciences in Collaboration with Directorate of Research, Innovation and Commercialization (EBSU – DRIC) held in Ebonyi State University from 23rd – 25th April.
- Igwe, N. N. (2012) 2nd National Conference with the theme: Managing Government Business for Grassroots Transformation held at School of Business Studies, Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic, Unwana Ebonyi State from 7th – 9th November.
- Igwe, N. N. (2012) The First Research Ethics Colloquium and Conference organised by Godfrey Okoye University Thinker’s Corner, Enugu in Collaboration with National Universities Commission (NUC) held at GO University Enugu on March, 13.
- Igwe, N. N. (2011) International Conference on Biotechnology and National Development (ICOBAND) held at Godfrey Okoye University, Temporary Site, Thinkers Corner, Enugu from July 20 – 23.
- Igwe, N. N. (2011) Accounting Conference/Workshop on “Organizational Challenges and Change Management” held in Benson Idahosa University, Benin City on the 28th to 29th April.
- Seminar on “Inclusive and Sustainable Social Security in Nigeria” organized by the Enugu Forum Policy of African Institute for Applied Economics at the Bridge Waters Hotel, Garden Avenue Enugu, Enugu State, October 15, 2009.
- Seminar on “Implications of Climate Change for Economic Growth and Sustainable Development in Nigeria” organized by the Enugu Forum Police of African Institute for Applied Economics at the Sunshine Guest House Annex, New Haven Enugu, Enugu State, May 22, 2009.
- Seminar on “Project Leading Edge: AIAE 5-year Strategic Plan 2009 – 2013 Context and Content” organized by the Enugu Forum Policy of the African Institute for Applied Economics (AIAE) for Associate Fellows Retreat of the Bridge Waters Hotel Garden Avenue Enugu, February 20, 2009.
- Seminar on “Challenges of Mortgage Finance in Nigeria” organized by the Enugu Forum Policy of the African Institute for Applied Economics at the Sunshine Guest House Annex New Haven Enugu, Enugu State, October 29, 2008.
- Seminar on “Monitoring and Evaluation using SPSS” organized by the Peer Learning Unit of African Institute for Applied Economics held at the Institute Conference Room Park Avenue GRA Enugu on Wednesday, May 28, 2008.
- Seminar on “Leadership, Team Building and Competitiveness” organized by the Enugu Forum Policy of the African Institute for a Applied Economics (AIAE) for AIAE Associate Fellows Retreat at the Bridge Waters Hotel Garden Avenue Enugu, January 12, 2008.
- Seminar on “Investing in Stocks” organized by the Enugu Forum Policy of the African Institute for applied economics delivered of the institute Conference Room Park Avenue GRA Enugu, Enugu State, March, 2007.
- National Symposium on “Nigerian Universities and competitiveness of the National Economy” organized by University of Nigeria Nsukka in Conjunction with the African Institute for Applied Economics held at Protea Hotel Nike Lake Resort Enugu, Enugu State, November 23 – 24, 2006.
- Seminar on “Unleashing Industrial Clusters for Growth and Prosperity in South East Nigeria” organized by the Enugu Forum African Institute for Applied Economics of Roban Hotels Tuesday, September 26, 2006.
- Seminar on “Poverty Reduction Strategies towards the Millennium Development Goals – Africa’s Experiences and Lessons for Nigeria “Organised by the Enugu Forum Policy of the African Institute for Applied Economics at the Institute’s Conference Room, Park Avenue GRA Enugu, Enugu State, February 03, 2004.
Profile Summary/CV
Name and Specialization: Igwe, Nicholas Ngozichukwu
Associate Professor of Management
An Academic, Management Consultant, and Business Research Analyst
EMAIL: nigwe@gouni.edu.ng, ngozinick@yahoo.com
Phone: +2348038726688
Management and Social Science
- Department
Business Management
- Research Interest
Organization Development and Designs; Production and Operations Management; Project Management and International Business
DUTIES: Administrative; Teaching and Researching in core areas of management: Business Statistics, Business Research methods, Introduction to Business Project Planning and Implementation, International Business, Production and Operations, Management, Comparative Management
Current Postgraduate Teaching and Supervision
Dr. Nicholas Igwe is currently teaching Postgraduate Diploma and M.Sc students.
The courses are: Research methodology, Organisation development, Operations management, Project management, International Business.