Research Interest
Research Summary
My research has been focused on the following:
1) Purification of Plant Peroxidases
We studied the purification processes for obtaining pure peroxidase enzyme from plant sources.
2) Reaction Kinetics and Thermodynamics of heat-induced inactivation of quality related enzymes.
We studied the reaction kinetics and thermodynamics of inactivation of quality related enzymes in different food substances. Kinetic and mathematical models were employed to describe the effect of different heating conditions
on some of the quality related enzymes and on the basis of theses kinetic and mathematical mod ells, multi-response optimization of the thermal processes for the enzymes were carried out to obtain the following effects (1) maximum destruction of some quality related enzymes without destroying the nutrients factors in food
3) Production of recombinant proteins.
Here we hope to use recombinant techniques to improve the thermostability of some enzyme for biotechnological purposes.
Selected Publications
1) Kingsley O. Omeje and Sabinus O.O. Eze (2018). Properties partially purified peroxidase extracts from the fruit of Solanum spp. grown in Enugu North (variety A) and Plateau Central (variety B) zones of Nigeria. Biokemistri, Vol. 30 (no. 1) (In Print)
2) Omeje KO, Eze SOO and Chilaka FC (2017). Studies on the Energetics of Heat Inactivation of Peroxidase from Green Colored Solanum ethiopicum Fruit. J Ther-modyn Catal 2017, 8:3 DOI: 10.4172/2157-7544.1000192
3) James G.O., Omeje K.O., David E.A., Eze S.O.O., Uzoegwu P.N. (2018).Hepatotoxic effects of the methanol extract of Sienna siemea in Wister Rats. Res Dev Material Sci. 4(1). RDMS.000576.2018
4) Ngwu O.R., Eze S.O.O., Nwanguma B.C. (2018). Chemical composition and anti-oxidant potentials of the Aqueous-Methanol extract and essential oil of Gongronema latifolium leaves. Forensic Sci Add Res. 2(3). FSAR.000545.2018
5) Eze C.K., Omeje K.O., Ezugwu A.L., Ozougwu V.E.O., Eze S.O.O., Nwanguma B.C., and Chillaka F.C. (2016) . Comparative studies on the antioxidant potentials of four different types of tea; an insight into a better choice of healthy beverage. Phar-macologyOnLine 3: 2-4.
6) Donatus Chimaobi Onah, Sabinus Oscar O. Eze and Patrick Emeka Aba (2016). Partial purification and characterization of alcohol dehydrogenase from Acetobacter aceti isolated from Palm wine. Notulac Scientia Biologicae 8(2) 232-234
7) C.D. Nwani, A.O. Nwadinigwe, P.E. Joshua, C.C. Onyeke, S.U. Ogbonna, J.A. Uk-onze, and S.O.O. Eze (2016). Hepatic antioxidant status and hematological parameters in African catfish, Clarias gariepinus juvenile exposed to sublethal concentration of psychotria microphylla. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 26(1):275-281
8) AL Ezugwu, VE Ottah, S.O.O. Eze, FC Chilaka (2016). Effect of pH, various divalent metal ion and different substrates on glucoamylase activity obtained from As-pergillus niger using amylopectin from tiger nut starch as carbon source African Jour-nal of Biotechnology 15 (21), 980-988
9) A L Ezugwu, S.O.O. Eze and F C Chilaka.(2015) A study of the optimal conditions for glucoamylases obtained from Aspergillus niger using amylopectin from cassava starch as carbon source. African Journal of Biotechnology 14(36):2693-2702.
10) O Joy and S.O.O. Eze (2015). The Comparison of the Protective Effect of Ascor-bate and ODianisidine on the Inactivation of Peroxidase from Gongronema latifolium. World Applied Sciences Journal 33 (8), 1305-1311
11) O Joy and S.O.O. Eze (2015). Partial Purification and Characterizaton of Peroxi-dase Extracted from Gongronema latifolium. American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research 10 (4), 221-227
12) Sabinus Oscar Onyebuchi EZE · Akudo Chigozirim Osuji · Emmanuel Emeka Osayi · Ferdinand Chiemeka Chilaka (2014) Biobleaching of Industrial Important Dyes with Peroxidase Partially Purified from Garlic The Scientific World Journal 2014 Article ID 183163, 8 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/183163
13) A.L. Ezugwu, T.C. Ezike, A.N. Ibeawuchi, C.A. Nsude, D.I. Udenwobele, S.O.O. Eze, C.U. Anyawu and F.C. Chilaka(2014). Comparative Studies on Pecti-nases obtained from Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus niger in Submerged Fer-mentation System using Pectin Extracted from Mango, Orange and Pineapple Peels as Carbon Sources. Nig. J. of Biotech. 28(2014): 26-34
14) D.I. Udenwobele, C.A. Nsude, A.L. Ezugwu, S.O.O. Eze, C.U. Anyanwu, P.N. Uzoegwu and F.C. Chilaka. (2014). Extraction, partial purifications, and characterization of pectinases isolated from aspergillus species cultured on mango (Mangifera Indica) peels. African Journal of Biotechnology. 13(24) 2445 – 2454.
15) Fortunatus C. Ezebuo, Sabinus Oscar O. Eze, Colin B. Lukong, Ferdinand C. Chilaka (2013). Interaction of Normal and Sickle Hemoglobins for Sodium Dode-cylsulphate and Hydrogen Peroxide at pHs 5.0 and 7.2. ISRN Hematology, vol 2013, Article ID 629640, 5 pages, doi:10.1155/2013/629640
16) Uchendu, Nene O, Eze, Sabinus,O.O., Ugwu,Okechukwu P.C., Enechi O.C. and Udeh, Sylvester M.C. (2013).Characterization of different varieties of cassava starch for industrial utilization. IJRRPAS, June, 3(3):370-386,
17) Sabinus O.O. Eze and Bennett C. Nwanguma (2013). Effects of Tannin Extract from Gongronema latifolium leaves on Lipoxygenase from Cucumeropsis manii Seeds. Journal of Chemistry. 2013: DOI 10.1155/2013/864095
18) Ozioko P.C. , Eze S.O.O. and Chilaka F.C. (2013). Purification and characteriza-tion of cellulases from digestive tracts of giant African land sanail (Achatina achat-ina). Turkish Journal of Biology 2013(37), 199-205: doi:10.3906/biy-1205-11
19) Okoye I.G., Ezugwu A.L., Udenwobele D.I., Eze S.O.O., Ayanwu C.U. and Chilaka F.C. (2013). Production and Partial Characterization of Cellulases from Aspergillus fumigatus using Two Distict parts of corn cob as carbon sources. Nig. J. Biotech (26): 50 – 59.
20) Benjamin O.Ezema and Sabinus Oscar O. Eze (2012). Purification and characteri-zation of lipase (EC from the seeds of Cucumeropsis manni (white melon). Thai Journal of Agricultural Science 45(2): 115-120
21) Sabinus Oscar Onyebuchi Eze (2012). Kinetic analysis of the thermostability of peroxidase from African oil bean (Pentaclethra macrophylla Benth) seeds. Journal of Biochemical Technology 4(1) 459-463
22) F.C. Ezebuo, S.O.O.Eze and F.C. Chilaka.(2012). Effects of sodium dodecyl sulphateon enhancement of lipoxygenase activity of hemoglobin. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 50: 847-852 (Thomson Reuters Impact Factor = 1.295)
23) Iko Wanen and EZE Sabinus Oscar O (2012). Physico-chemical characterization of Quassia undula ta seed oil for biodesiel production. African Journal of Biotech-nology 11 (83): 14930-14933. DOI 10.5897/ABJ 12.2132. (SCImago Impact Factor = 0.57)
24) Fortunatus Chidolue EZEBUO, Ferdinand Chiemeka CHILAKA and Sabinus Oscar O. EZE (2012). Ligands Induced Formation of Heme Radicals at pH’s 5.0 and 7.2: Implication in Malaria Resistance. Advances in Bioresearch. 3(2). 66-74.(Thomson Reuters Impact Factor = 0.97)
25) Sabinus Oscar O. EZE (2012). Physico-Chemical properties of oil from some selected underutilized oil seeds available for biodiesel preparation. African Journal of Biotechnology 11 (42): 10003-10007. DOI 10.5897/AJB 11.1659 . (SCImago Impact Factor = 0.57)
26) Ogwuche V.A., Chilaka F.C., Eze S.O.O., and Anyanwu C.U. (2012). Production and Properties of fungal Cellulase from native isolates using orange Bagasse as carbon source. Plant Prod Res J. (16):16 – 22.
27) Ezugwu A.C., Eze S.O.O., Chilaka F.C. and Anyanwu C.U. (2012). Production and Characterization of pectinases obtained from Aspergillus fumigatus in submerged fermentation system using pectin extracted from mango peels as carbon source. Plant Prod Res. J. (16): 30 -36.
28) Ozioko P.C. , Eze S.O.O. and Chilaka F.C. (2011). Purification and some kinetic parameters of endo-1,4-β-glucanase from digestive tracts of giant African land sanail (Achatina achatina). Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 26(2): 108-115.
29) Eze S.O.O, Chilaka F.C, and Nwanguma B.C (2010) Studies on Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Thermo-Inactivation of Some Quality-Related Enzymes in White Yam (Dioscorea rotundata). J. Thermodyn Catal 1:104. DOI 10.4172/2157-7544.1000104
30) S.O.O.Eze and F.C.Chilaka (2010). Lipolytic Activities in Some Species of Germinating Cucurbitaceae: Cucumeropsis manii Naud, Colocynthis Vulgaris L., and Cucubuta Moschata Schrad. World Applied Sciences Journal 10(10): 1225-1231, 2010
31) S.O.O. Eze, J. Ghulam, A. Husain, and T. Nozaki (2009). Molecular cloning and characterization of aspartate ammonia-lyase from Entamoeba histolytica. Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry andMolecular Biology. Vol 24 (1): 1-7.
320) Eze, Sabinus Oscar Onyebuchi (2007). Studies on Lipase (EC from Germinating Hura crepitans Seeds. Animal Research International. 4(3): 721-723. 24) .(Global Impact Factor =0.562)
33) S.O.Eze., and F.C.Chilaka. (2007). Kinetics and thermodynamics of heat inactivation of sorghum peroxidase. Ital. J. Food Sci. 19 (1).67-75. (Thomson Reuters Impact Factor =0.462)
34) S.O.Eze., F.C.Chilaka, and C.U. Akunwanta (2007).Some Properties of Lipase (EC from different varieties of Maize Seeds (Zea mays). Animal Research International.4 (2): 650-652. (Global Impact Factor = 0.562)
35) S.O. Eze, F.C.Chilaka, and E.O. Alumanah.(2005).Lipase activity in Some Cucubitaceae Species. Bio-Research.3(1).66-71
36) Ferdinand C Chilaka, Sabinus O Eze, and Sylvester Obiakor.(2005) Browning in processed oil bean (Pentaclethra macrophylla Benth) Seeds. Purification and heat inactivation of peroxidase. Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Vol. 18:8-13
37) Ferdinand C Chilaka, Sabinus O Eze, and Clement T Anyadiegwu.(2004).Thermal inactivation of Polyphenol Oxidase from the white Yam (Dioscorea rotundata). Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Vol. 19 (2)115-121
38) Ferdinand C Chilaka, Sabinus O Eze, Clement Anyadiegwu and Peter O Uvere.(2002). Browning in Processed Yams: Peroxidase or Polyphenol Oxidase? Journal of the Science of Food and Agric.(J.Sci.Food Agric ).82: 899-903. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.1119.
39) Eze S.O. and Chilaka F.C.(2002). Browning in Yam: Purification thermoinactivation, and regeneration of yam (Dioscorea rotundata) Peroxidase. Nig. Journal of Biochemistry and Mol. Biol.17. 21-26.
40) Eze S. O., Chilaka F.C. and Nwanguma, B.C. (2000). Purification and Characterization of sorghum (KSV 8) Peroxidase. Plant Prod. Res. Journal. 5 51-59
Articles in conference Proceedings
41) S.O.Eze and O.F.C.Nwodo (2001).Anti- Inflammatory effects of Abrus precxatorius Seed extract. Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 16(3). Proceeding asauppliment.95s-97s
Chapters in Books
42) Eze S.O., Eyo J.E., and Okafor F.C.(2005).Book of abstracts of Research Work by staff of Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. University of Nigeria, Press Ltd
43) S.O.Eze and F.C.Chilaka (2004): The chemistry of amino acids and proteins. In ―Biochemistry for Beginners. F.C.Chilaka (Ed). Great AP Express Publishers Ltd. Nsukka –Nigeria. pp 47-56
44) S.O.Eze (2004):Metabolic Activities of some Major Cellular Components. In ―Biochemistry for Beginners. F.C.Chilaka (Ed). Great AP Express Publishers Ltd. Nsukka –Nigeria. pp 80-83
45) S.O.Eze (2001).Introduction to Electctron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation. In ―Introductory Biochemistry for Life Sciences‖ O.C.Enechi (Ed). Immaculate Publications Ltd.No.2 Aku Street, Ogui N/L Enugu. Pp 123-133
46) S.O.Eze (2001). Introductory Bioenergetics. In ―Introductory Biochemistry for Life Sciences‖ O.C.Enechi (Ed). Immaculate Publications Ltd.#2 Aku Street, Ogui N/L Enugu. Pp 123-133
Conferences and Workshops Attended
1) Workshop on effective teaching of JUPEB subjects organized by the Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board (JUPEB) at University of Lagos, Nigeria from December 12th to 13th 2016.
2) 7th NSBMB South East Zonal Symposium of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NSBMB) held at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike (MOUAU), Abia State from 12th to 14th August 2015
3) 5th South East Zonal Scientific Conference of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology (NSBMB) , held at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka from 27th—29th August, 2014
4) 4th South East Zonal Scientific Conference of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology (NSBMB) , held at Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki from 22nd—24th August, 2012
5) UNESCO-ICTP-UNN Science Fair and Mobile Learning Training Workshop held at Princess
Alexandra Auditorium and Unity Hall, University of Nigeria Nsukka , 17th – 21st June, 2013
6) 32nd Annual National Conference of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, ―Calabar 2012‖ held at the Conference Center, University of Calabar, Nigeria, from
November 14th –17th 2012
9) 21st Annual Conference of the Nigeria Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. ―Nsukka 2001‖ held at the George Marion Johnson (GS) Building, University of Nigeria, Nsukka on 19-22 Sept, 2001.
10) Bioinformatics Hands-on Training Workshop 2010, Organized by the Molecular Biology and Biotech-nology Division, Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, Yaba-Lagos. Tuesday, 3rd August, 2010.
11) Postgraduate workshop on writing of research proposals organized by School of postgraduate studies, University of Nigeria Nsukka at Princess Alexandra Auditorium, 29th June, 2010.
12) A Hands-on Molecular Biology Training Workshop 2009, with the theme ―Molecular Biology and Bio-technology: Roadmap to Specific Diagnosis‖ Organized by the Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Division, Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, Yaba-Lagos. Monday 3rd – Friday 7th August, 2009.
13) 4TH Training Workshop on Research Methodology for Young Scientists, Organized by the Nigerian In-stitute of Food Science and Technology At Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port-Harcourt. May 23rd –25th, 2005.
14) Agri-Workshop on NNPC Automotive Biomass Ethanol Programme for Nigeria Organized by the Re-newable Energy Division of NNPC at Nicon Hilton Hotel, Abuja. Sept 20th, 2005.
15) IFS conference=-` on Natural Products organized by International Foundation for Science, Sweden, at Library Auditorium, University of Botswana, Gaborone, BOTSWANA, 18-19 November, 2008.
16) The 3rd Annual Regional Symposium on The Role Of Raw Materials In National Development
organized by The South East Zone of the National Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NSBMB), hosted by The Department of Biochemistry, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, at Princess Al-exandra Unity Hall.1st Sept. 2005.
Profile Summary/CV
Personal Detail
First Name: Sabinus
Other Names: Oscar, Onyebuchi
Surname: EZE.
Place of Birth: Orba, Undenu L.G.A., Enugu State, Nigeria
Nationality: Nigerian
Family Status: Married with Children
Email: sabinus.eze@unn.edu.ng Phone: 07066090552 ; +2348111932175
Rank Professor
Area of Specialization: Enzymology
Department: Biochemistry, University of Nigeria Nsukka
Position : Dean, Faculty of Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria Nsukka
Adjunct Professor, Department of Chemical Sciences, Godfrey Okoye University Enugu
University of Nigeria Nsukka 1999-2004
University of Nigeria Nsukka 1994-1998
University of Nigeria Nsukka 1986-1990
Boys High School Orba 1981-1985
Owerre-EzeOrba Primary School 1975-1980
Post-doctorial training at Department of Parasitology, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine, 3-39-22 Showa Machi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-8511, Japan. (2008).
Educational Qualifications with dates:
1– Professor 2014
1- PhD 2004
2- MSc (Nig.) 1998
3- BSc (Hons) 1990
4 – WASC 1985
5 – FSLC 1980
Membership of organizations:
1) Member New York Academy of Sciences
2) Member Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
3) Member Editorial Board, Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
4) Member, 2017 NUC accreditation panel to Caleb University and Crawford University from 11-16 June, 2017
Employment Experience:
1) University of Nigeria Nsukka. Post Held—Professor
2) Professor on Adjunct, Godfrey Okoye University Enugu
A) Teaching:
Recombinant DNA Technology
Biochemical Methods
General Biochemistry
B) Research; contribution to research programs in the department:
Isolation, purification and characterization of proteins (lipase, peroxidase, lipoxygenase,
polphenol oxidase and prostaglandin synthatase, cellulases, lipases etc
Mechanisms of denaturation of proteins, Enzyme stability studies.
Enzyme assays
2) Senior Lecturer on Sabbatical, Department of Biochemistry, Kogi State University, Anyingba. 2012/2013 academic session.
3) Enugu State Post Primary Schools Management Board. Post Held –Tutor (Master 1)
4 NYSC: Government Science School, Yelwa-Yauri. Kebbi – State. Nigeria.
Research Summary
My research has been focused on the following:
1) Purification of Plant Peroxidases
We studied the purification processes for obtaining pure peroxidase enzyme from plant sources.
2) Reaction Kinetics and Thermodynamics of heat-induced inactivation of quality related enzymes.
We studied the reaction kinetics and thermodynamics of inactivation of quality related enzymes in different food substances. Kinetic and mathematical models were employed to describe the effect of different heating conditions
on some of the quality related enzymes and on the basis of theses kinetic and mathematical mod ells, multi-response optimization of the thermal processes for the enzymes were carried out to obtain the following effects (1) maximum destruction of some quality related enzymes without destroying the nutrients factors in food
3) Production of recombinant proteins.
Here we hope to use recombinant techniques to improve the thermostability of some enzyme for biotechnological purposes.
Reading, watching television and listening to radio
Computer Capability
Proficiency in Microsoft word, excel, Power point and browsing internet
Present Job Description: Teaching and research.
Personal Qualities/Skills
Initiative, good interpersonal skill, problem solving, and proactive.
1) Matsumae International Foundation Japan, 2008 Research Fellowship Award. Gno: 08G02. Host Scientist in Japan: Prof. NOZAKI Tomoyashi, Department of Parasitology, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine, 3-39-22 Showa Machi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-8511, Japan.
2) International Foundation For Science Research Grant No. F/4188-1 of 30th January 2007, on Isola-tion, Purification and Characterization of Lipase (EC from Cucumeropsis manii.
3) University of Nigeria Senate Research Grant No.94/279, of Aug. 10th 2000.on Kinetic and Ther-modynamic Parameters for Thermal and urea Denaturation of Lipase from Germinating Peanut.
Conferences and Workshops Attended
1) Workshop on effective teaching of JUPEB subjects organized by the Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board (JUPEB) at University of Lagos, Nigeria from December 12th to 13th 2016.
2) 7th NSBMB South East Zonal Symposium of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NSBMB) held at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike (MOUAU), Abia State from 12th to 14th August 2015
3) 5th South East Zonal Scientific Conference of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology (NSBMB) , held at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka from 27th—29th August, 2014
4) 4th South East Zonal Scientific Conference of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology (NSBMB) , held at Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki from 22nd—24th August, 2012
5) UNESCO-ICTP-UNN Science Fair and Mobile Learning Training Workshop held at Princess
Alexandra Auditorium and Unity Hall, University of Nigeria Nsukka , 17th – 21st June, 2013
6) 32nd Annual National Conference of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, ―Calabar 2012‖ held at the Conference Center, University of Calabar, Nigeria, from
November 14th –17th 2012
9) 21st Annual Conference of the Nigeria Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. ―Nsukka 2001‖ held at the George Marion Johnson (GS) Building, University of Nigeria, Nsukka on 19-22 Sept, 2001.
10) Bioinformatics Hands-on Training Workshop 2010, Organized by the Molecular Biology and Biotech-nology Division, Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, Yaba-Lagos. Tuesday, 3rd August, 2010.
11) Postgraduate workshop on writing of research proposals organized by School of postgraduate studies, University of Nigeria Nsukka at Princess Alexandra Auditorium, 29th June, 2010.
12) A Hands-on Molecular Biology Training Workshop 2009, with the theme ―Molecular Biology and Bio-technology: Roadmap to Specific Diagnosis‖ Organized by the Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Division, Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, Yaba-Lagos. Monday 3rd – Friday 7th August, 2009.
13) 4TH Training Workshop on Research Methodology for Young Scientists, Organized by the Nigerian In-stitute of Food Science and Technology At Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port-Harcourt. May 23rd –25th, 2005.
14) Agri-Workshop on NNPC Automotive Biomass Ethanol Programme for Nigeria Organized by the Re-newable Energy Division of NNPC at Nicon Hilton Hotel, Abuja. Sept 20th, 2005.
15) IFS conference=-` on Natural Products organized by International Foundation for Science, Sweden, at Library Auditorium, University of Botswana, Gaborone, BOTSWANA, 18-19 November, 2008.
16) The 3rd Annual Regional Symposium on The Role Of Raw Materials In National Development
organized by The South East Zone of the National Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NSBMB), hosted by The Department of Biochemistry, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, at Princess Al-exandra Unity Hall.1st Sept. 2005.
Appointments and Positions Held
1) Associate Dean, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria Nsukka. August 11th 2014—10th August 2016
2) National Secretary, Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. (NSBMB)
Nov. 1, 2011 –Nov 2015
3) Chairman, Local Organizing Committee, 31st Annual National Conference of the Nigerian
Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, ―UNN 2011‖ 31st Nov,-3rd Dec. 2011.
4) Chairman, Dept. of Biochemistry Staff Welfare Association 24th March, 2011 till date
5) Financial Secretary, U.N.N. Senior Staff Club, March, 2011 –August 7th 2014
6) Staff in Charge, Eni-Njoku Memorial Library, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of
Nigeria, Nsukka. 2005 – 2008
7) Research Officer to the Cassava-Industrial-Ethanol Production Project, University of Nigeria Nsukka – Raw Material Research and Development Coun-cil Collaborative Research (UNN-RMRDC) Programme, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria Nsukka.
8) Secretary, Local Organizing Committee. 3rd Annual Regional Symposium of the South East Zone, Nigerian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NSBMB), held at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Sept. 1st 2005.
9) Member, 2005 end-of-year Boards of Survey, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
10) Chairman, Orba Welfare Association, Nsukka. 2003 – 2007.
11) President, Owerre-EzeOrba Students Union, 1990-1992
1) Kingsley O. Omeje and Sabinus O.O. Eze (2018). Properties partially purified peroxidase extracts from the fruit of Solanum spp. grown in Enugu North (variety A) and Plateau Central (variety B) zones of Nigeria. Biokemistri, Vol. 30 (no. 1) (In Print)
2) Omeje KO, Eze SOO and Chilaka FC (2017). Studies on the Energetics of Heat Inactivation of Peroxidase from Green Colored Solanum ethiopicum Fruit. J Ther-modyn Catal 2017, 8:3 DOI: 10.4172/2157-7544.1000192
3) James G.O., Omeje K.O., David E.A., Eze S.O.O., Uzoegwu P.N. (2018).Hepatotoxic effects of the methanol extract of Sienna siemea in Wister Rats. Res Dev Material Sci. 4(1). RDMS.000576.2018
4) Ngwu O.R., Eze S.O.O., Nwanguma B.C. (2018). Chemical composition and anti-oxidant potentials of the Aqueous-Methanol extract and essential oil of Gongronema latifolium leaves. Forensic Sci Add Res. 2(3). FSAR.000545.2018
5) Eze C.K., Omeje K.O., Ezugwu A.L., Ozougwu V.E.O., Eze S.O.O., Nwanguma B.C., and Chillaka F.C. (2016) . Comparative studies on the antioxidant potentials of four different types of tea; an insight into a better choice of healthy beverage. Phar-macologyOnLine 3: 2-4.
6) Donatus Chimaobi Onah, Sabinus Oscar O. Eze and Patrick Emeka Aba (2016). Partial purification and characterization of alcohol dehydrogenase from Acetobacter aceti isolated from Palm wine. Notulac Scientia Biologicae 8(2) 232-234
7) C.D. Nwani, A.O. Nwadinigwe, P.E. Joshua, C.C. Onyeke, S.U. Ogbonna, J.A. Uk-onze, and S.O.O. Eze (2016). Hepatic antioxidant status and hematological parameters in African catfish, Clarias gariepinus juvenile exposed to sublethal concentration of psychotria microphylla. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 26(1):275-281
8) AL Ezugwu, VE Ottah, S.O.O. Eze, FC Chilaka (2016). Effect of pH, various divalent metal ion and different substrates on glucoamylase activity obtained from As-pergillus niger using amylopectin from tiger nut starch as carbon source African Jour-nal of Biotechnology 15 (21), 980-988
9) A L Ezugwu, S.O.O. Eze and F C Chilaka.(2015) A study of the optimal conditions for glucoamylases obtained from Aspergillus niger using amylopectin from cassava starch as carbon source. African Journal of Biotechnology 14(36):2693-2702.
10) O Joy and S.O.O. Eze (2015). The Comparison of the Protective Effect of Ascor-bate and ODianisidine on the Inactivation of Peroxidase from Gongronema latifolium. World Applied Sciences Journal 33 (8), 1305-1311
11) O Joy and S.O.O. Eze (2015). Partial Purification and Characterizaton of Peroxi-dase Extracted from Gongronema latifolium. American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research 10 (4), 221-227
12) Sabinus Oscar Onyebuchi EZE · Akudo Chigozirim Osuji · Emmanuel Emeka Osayi · Ferdinand Chiemeka Chilaka (2014) Biobleaching of Industrial Important Dyes with Peroxidase Partially Purified from Garlic The Scientific World Journal 2014 Article ID 183163, 8 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/183163
13) A.L. Ezugwu, T.C. Ezike, A.N. Ibeawuchi, C.A. Nsude, D.I. Udenwobele, S.O.O. Eze, C.U. Anyawu and F.C. Chilaka(2014). Comparative Studies on Pecti-nases obtained from Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus niger in Submerged Fer-mentation System using Pectin Extracted from Mango, Orange and Pineapple Peels as Carbon Sources. Nig. J. of Biotech. 28(2014): 26-34
14) D.I. Udenwobele, C.A. Nsude, A.L. Ezugwu, S.O.O. Eze, C.U. Anyanwu, P.N. Uzoegwu and F.C. Chilaka. (2014). Extraction, partial purifications, and characterization of pectinases isolated from aspergillus species cultured on mango (Mangifera Indica) peels. African Journal of Biotechnology. 13(24) 2445 – 2454.
15) Fortunatus C. Ezebuo, Sabinus Oscar O. Eze, Colin B. Lukong, Ferdinand C. Chilaka (2013). Interaction of Normal and Sickle Hemoglobins for Sodium Dode-cylsulphate and Hydrogen Peroxide at pHs 5.0 and 7.2. ISRN Hematology, vol 2013, Article ID 629640, 5 pages, doi:10.1155/2013/629640
16) Uchendu, Nene O, Eze, Sabinus,O.O., Ugwu,Okechukwu P.C., Enechi O.C. and Udeh, Sylvester M.C. (2013).Characterization of different varieties of cassava starch for industrial utilization. IJRRPAS, June, 3(3):370-386,
17) Sabinus O.O. Eze and Bennett C. Nwanguma (2013). Effects of Tannin Extract from Gongronema latifolium leaves on Lipoxygenase from Cucumeropsis manii Seeds. Journal of Chemistry. 2013: DOI 10.1155/2013/864095
18) Ozioko P.C. , Eze S.O.O. and Chilaka F.C. (2013). Purification and characteriza-tion of cellulases from digestive tracts of giant African land sanail (Achatina achat-ina). Turkish Journal of Biology 2013(37), 199-205: doi:10.3906/biy-1205-11
19) Okoye I.G., Ezugwu A.L., Udenwobele D.I., Eze S.O.O., Ayanwu C.U. and Chilaka F.C. (2013). Production and Partial Characterization of Cellulases from Aspergillus fumigatus using Two Distict parts of corn cob as carbon sources. Nig. J. Biotech (26): 50 – 59.
20) Benjamin O.Ezema and Sabinus Oscar O. Eze (2012). Purification and characteri-zation of lipase (EC from the seeds of Cucumeropsis manni (white melon). Thai Journal of Agricultural Science 45(2): 115-120
21) Sabinus Oscar Onyebuchi Eze (2012). Kinetic analysis of the thermostability of peroxidase from African oil bean (Pentaclethra macrophylla Benth) seeds. Journal of Biochemical Technology 4(1) 459-463
22) F.C. Ezebuo, S.O.O.Eze and F.C. Chilaka.(2012). Effects of sodium dodecyl sulphateon enhancement of lipoxygenase activity of hemoglobin. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 50: 847-852 (Thomson Reuters Impact Factor = 1.295)
23) Iko Wanen and EZE Sabinus Oscar O (2012). Physico-chemical characterization of Quassia undula ta seed oil for biodesiel production. African Journal of Biotech-nology 11 (83): 14930-14933. DOI 10.5897/ABJ 12.2132. (SCImago Impact Factor = 0.57)
24) Fortunatus Chidolue EZEBUO, Ferdinand Chiemeka CHILAKA and Sabinus Oscar O. EZE (2012). Ligands Induced Formation of Heme Radicals at pH’s 5.0 and 7.2: Implication in Malaria Resistance. Advances in Bioresearch. 3(2). 66-74.(Thomson Reuters Impact Factor = 0.97)
25) Sabinus Oscar O. EZE (2012). Physico-Chemical properties of oil from some selected underutilized oil seeds available for biodiesel preparation. African Journal of Biotechnology 11 (42): 10003-10007. DOI 10.5897/AJB 11.1659 . (SCImago Impact Factor = 0.57)
26) Ogwuche V.A., Chilaka F.C., Eze S.O.O., and Anyanwu C.U. (2012). Production and Properties of fungal Cellulase from native isolates using orange Bagasse as carbon source. Plant Prod Res J. (16):16 – 22.
27) Ezugwu A.C., Eze S.O.O., Chilaka F.C. and Anyanwu C.U. (2012). Production and Characterization of pectinases obtained from Aspergillus fumigatus in submerged fermentation system using pectin extracted from mango peels as carbon source. Plant Prod Res. J. (16): 30 -36.
28) Ozioko P.C. , Eze S.O.O. and Chilaka F.C. (2011). Purification and some kinetic parameters of endo-1,4-β-glucanase from digestive tracts of giant African land sanail (Achatina achatina). Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 26(2): 108-115.
29) Eze S.O.O, Chilaka F.C, and Nwanguma B.C (2010) Studies on Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Thermo-Inactivation of Some Quality-Related Enzymes in White Yam (Dioscorea rotundata). J. Thermodyn Catal 1:104. DOI 10.4172/2157-7544.1000104
30) S.O.O.Eze and F.C.Chilaka (2010). Lipolytic Activities in Some Species of Germinating Cucurbitaceae: Cucumeropsis manii Naud, Colocynthis Vulgaris L., and Cucubuta Moschata Schrad. World Applied Sciences Journal 10(10): 1225-1231, 2010
31) S.O.O. Eze, J. Ghulam, A. Husain, and T. Nozaki (2009). Molecular cloning and characterization of aspartate ammonia-lyase from Entamoeba histolytica. Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry andMolecular Biology. Vol 24 (1): 1-7.
320) Eze, Sabinus Oscar Onyebuchi (2007). Studies on Lipase (EC from Germinating Hura crepitans Seeds. Animal Research International. 4(3): 721-723. 24) .(Global Impact Factor =0.562)
33) S.O.Eze., and F.C.Chilaka. (2007). Kinetics and thermodynamics of heat inactivation of sorghum peroxidase. Ital. J. Food Sci. 19 (1).67-75. (Thomson Reuters Impact Factor =0.462)
34) S.O.Eze., F.C.Chilaka, and C.U. Akunwanta (2007).Some Properties of Lipase (EC from different varieties of Maize Seeds (Zea mays). Animal Research International.4 (2): 650-652. (Global Impact Factor = 0.562)
35) S.O. Eze, F.C.Chilaka, and E.O. Alumanah.(2005).Lipase activity in Some Cucubitaceae Species. Bio-Research.3(1).66-71
36) Ferdinand C Chilaka, Sabinus O Eze, and Sylvester Obiakor.(2005) Browning in processed oil bean (Pentaclethra macrophylla Benth) Seeds. Purification and heat inactivation of peroxidase. Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Vol. 18:8-13
37) Ferdinand C Chilaka, Sabinus O Eze, and Clement T Anyadiegwu.(2004).Thermal inactivation of Polyphenol Oxidase from the white Yam (Dioscorea rotundata). Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Vol. 19 (2)115-121
38) Ferdinand C Chilaka, Sabinus O Eze, Clement Anyadiegwu and Peter O Uvere.(2002). Browning in Processed Yams: Peroxidase or Polyphenol Oxidase? Journal of the Science of Food and Agric.(J.Sci.Food Agric ).82: 899-903. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.1119.
39) Eze S.O. and Chilaka F.C.(2002). Browning in Yam: Purification thermoinactivation, and regeneration of yam (Dioscorea rotundata) Peroxidase. Nig. Journal of Biochemistry and Mol. Biol.17. 21-26.
40) Eze S. O., Chilaka F.C. and Nwanguma, B.C. (2000). Purification and Characterization of sorghum (KSV 8) Peroxidase. Plant Prod. Res. Journal. 5 51-59
Articles in conference Proceedings
41) S.O.Eze and O.F.C.Nwodo (2001).Anti- Inflammatory effects of Abrus precxatorius Seed extract. Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 16(3). Proceeding asauppliment.95s-97s
Chapters in Books
42) Eze S.O., Eyo J.E., and Okafor F.C.(2005).Book of abstracts of Research Work by staff of Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. University of Nigeria, Press Ltd
43) S.O.Eze and F.C.Chilaka (2004): The chemistry of amino acids and proteins. In ―Biochemistry for Beginners. F.C.Chilaka (Ed). Great AP Express Publishers Ltd. Nsukka –Nigeria. pp 47-56
44) S.O.Eze (2004):Metabolic Activities of some Major Cellular Components. In ―Biochemistry for Beginners. F.C.Chilaka (Ed). Great AP Express Publishers Ltd. Nsukka –Nigeria. pp 80-83
45) S.O.Eze (2001).Introduction to Electctron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation. In ―Introductory Biochemistry for Life Sciences‖ O.C.Enechi (Ed). Immaculate Publications Ltd.No.2 Aku Street, Ogui N/L Enugu. Pp 123-133
46) S.O.Eze (2001). Introductory Bioenergetics. In ―Introductory Biochemistry for Life Sciences‖ O.C.Enechi (Ed). Immaculate Publications Ltd.#2 Aku Street, Ogui N/L Enugu. Pp 123-133
Editorship of Journals
1) Editorial Board member, Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
2) Associate Editor, International Journal of Cell Science. http://medwinpublishers.com/IJCSC/editorial-board.php
3) Associate Editor, Forensic Science & Addition Research (FSAR). http://crimsonpublish ers.com/fsar/editorial-board.php
External Examinations
1) External Examinner for higher degree examination at the Department of Biochemistry, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike
A) 12th –14th July 2017.
B) 7th –9th Nov., 2017
2) External Examiner for undergraduate degree examination at the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, for the 2008/2009 academic session.
2) Examination Officer, Department of Biochemistry, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Nov., 2006-
March 2008.
NUC Accreditation Panel
1) Member of the ad-hoc accreditation panel to evaluate undergraduate degree programmes in Science at the Caleb University, and Crowford University, from 11th to 16th June 2017
2) Member of the ad-hoc accreditation panel to evaluate undergraduate degree programmes in Science at the Ajayi Crowther University Oyo, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomosho, Kwara State University, Malete, and Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, from 27th November to 5th December 2017
3) Member of the ad-hoc accreditation panel to evaluate undergraduate degree programmes in Science at the Federal University, Otuoke, Bayelsa State from 18th March to 21st March 2018
Title of Papers reviewed
Possible Mechanism of antispasmodic action of Garcina kola seed extract on isolated guinea pig ileum 2014_BJMMR_14210
British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research
Physico-chemical properties and fatty acid profile of dry Nigerian okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) fruit and oil 2014_BJAST_14677
British Journal of Applied Science and Technology
Morphine increases calcium levels and kinetic Vmax of total ATPase in brain regions of rat with induced hypogly-cemia MS ID:GENZ-2013-0320
Journal Of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry
Comparative study of the physicochemical properties of vegetable oil from Irvigna cabonesis and Citrullus colo-cynthis fresh seeds samples. MS: 2013_IJBcRR_5863
International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review
Studies on the Potentials of Balanites aegyptiaca Seed Oil as Raw Material for the Production of Liquid Cleansing Agents. IJPS-07-049
International Journal of Physical Sciences
Effects of soy on body composition: a 12-week random-ized controlled trial among Iranian elderly women with metabolic syndrome AJPP-11-798
African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology www.academicjournals.org/AJPP
Nutrients content and lipid characterization of seed pastes of four selected groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) varieties from Ghana AJFS-12-136 Eshun et al
African Journal of Food Sci-encewww.academicjournals.org/AJFS
Correlation coefficient analysis in castor (Ricinus commu-nis L.) genotypes. MS IRJPS-13-002
International Research Journal of Plant Science(IRJPS) www.interesjournals.org/ IRJPS
Physicochemical, heavy metals and bacteriological analysis of the seawater in Nahant, Massachusetts, USA. IRJOB-13-002
International Research Journal of Biotechnology www.interesjournals.org/IRJOB
Shea oil processing; a review AJARx-12-004academicjournals.org/ajar
African Journal of Agricultural Research www.academicjournals.org/ajar
Energy analysis of pumpkin production in north of Iran. AJAR-12-1725
African Journal of Agricultural Research. www.academicjournals.org/ajar
Chemical Composition and Oil Quality of Seeds of Ses-ame Accessions Grown in the Nsukka plains of South Eastern Nigeria AJAR-12-1702
African Journal of Agricultural Research
Optimization of Lipase Immobilized on Chitosan Beads for Biodiesel Production GRJM-12-077
Global Research Journal of Microbiology http://www.globalresearchjournals.org
Evaluation of the antimicrobial and phytochemical prop-erties of oil from castor seeds (Ricinus communis Linn)
International Journal of Medicinal Plant Research http://www.internationalscholarsjournals.org/
Barriers to up-take of Prescribed Refractive Spectacles Amongst Nigerian Students JPHE -12-083
Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology www.academicjournals.org/JPHE
Characterization of fatty acid used in soap manufacturing in Nigeria: Laundry, toilet, medicated and antiseptic soap SRE-12-468
Scientific Research and Essays
Project/Candidate supervised/Co-supervised
Degree Awarded
Production and optimization of glucoamylases from plant and microorgan-isms for starch hydrolysis in a batch bioreactor
Ezike Tobechukwu Christian (PG/PhD/14/65173) Enhanced production and characterizationof lacase from Ganoderma sp for biotechnological applica-tions
EZE CHUKWUEBUKA GABRIEL. PG/PhD/14/79324. Isolation, purifica-tion and characterization of lignin peroxidase from white rot fungi and its applicationin bioremediation
WANEN IKO. (PG/PhD/13/67264). Enzyme assisted extraction of essential oil from Nauclea latifolia (African peach).
Project/Candidate supervised/Co-supervised
Degree Awarded
Oparaji Emeka H (PG/MSc/13/65656)
Effects of metal ion substitutions on pH and Temperature stability of α-amylase solated from Rhizopus microsporus
August 2015
Ayolotu Muywa Augustne (PG/MSc/13/66634)
Extraction and Characterization of manganese peroxidase from Rigidoporus lignosus, a white root rot fungi of rubber tree
August 2015
Obadare Joshua Olasunkanmi (PG/MSc/13/65967)
Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Thermonactivation and regeneration of partially purified peroxidase from Gongronema latifolium leaves
August 2015
Nwobodo Maureen
August 2015
Arazu Amarachi (PG/MSc/13/65115)
Comperative studes on the effects of different modifications on the cold water solubility of starch from selected underutilized legumes
August 2015
Arinzechukwu Ezichi O. (PG/MSc/13/66301)
Production, partial purification and stability studies of manganese peroxi-dase from white rot basidiomycetes, Pleurotus tuber-regium
August 2015
Agbo Keneth Ugochukwu (PG/MSc/13/65662)
Thermodynamics and kinetics of partially purified alpha amylase from malted pearl millet (Pennisetum glacum) or industrial production of glucose syrup
August 2015
Omeje Kingsley Ozioma 9PG/MSc/12/61361)
Purification and characterization of papain from Carica papaya latex, its application in the hydrolysis of tiger nut protein homogenate
July 2014
Victor Cliff Chnemerem (PG/MSc/12/64202)
Decolorization of synthetic dye using peroxidase partially purified from green cabbage (Brassica oleracea)
Oct., 2014
Ngwu Ogochukwu Rita. (PG/MSc/12/64425)
In vitro studes on the antioxidant activity of the n-hexane extract (essential oil) and aqueous methanol extract of Gongronema latifolium as a potential food preservative
Dec., 2014
Onah Donatus Chima (PG/MSc/12/61954)
Partial purification, characterization, thermal and pH stability of alcohol dehydrogenase from Acetobacter sp
April 2014
Decolourization of some synthetic dyes using partially purified peroxidase from Garlic (Allum sativum)
Sept 2013
Physico-chemical characterization and kinetics of degredation of oil from Chlorella species
Sept 2013
Hydrolysis of Cassava starch by malted acha (Digitaria exilis) for bioetha-nol production
Sept 2013
Purification and characterization of Lipase (EC from the seeds of Cucumeropsis manii (White melon)
OGANA JOY PG/MSc/09/51015
Isolation and purification of peroxidase from Gon-gronema latifolium
IKO WANEN PG/MSc/10/58167
Extraction and physic-chemical characterization of Quassia undulata seed oil for biodiesel production
Production and characterization of pectinases obtained from Aspergillus fumigatus in submerged fermentation system using pectin extracted from mango peels as car-bon source
July 2012
Production and characterization of pectinases obtained from Aspergillus niger under submerged fermentation system using pectin extracted from orange peels as car-bon source
Production and characterization of pectinase induced from Aspergillus niger using pectin extracted from pinapple peels as carbon source
Nsude Chukwunonso Anthony (PG/MSc/08/48707)
Extraction, partial purification and characterization of pectinases isolated from Aspergillus species cultured in mango peels
Effect of the chloroform and methanol extract of Gari (Cassava) on some biochemical parameters of albino rats
1) As the President of Owerre-Ezeorba students Union between 1990 to 1992, I brought the whole students in Owerre-EzeOrba into one umbrella and they were able to speak with one voice. This enable them to carry out some developmental activities such as clearing of drainage ways, filling potholes on our roads, mount-ing youth day celebrations, engaging in extra mural studies among others during long vacations
2) As Chairman of Orba Welfare Association Nsukka from 2003 to 2007, I ensured that all Orba indigenes living in Nsukka joined the Association and became one. Social visits, revolving loans and Christmas par-ties were introduced . And we for the first time became our brothers keepers.
3) As Chairman of Department of Biochemistry Welfare Association from march 2011 till date, I have brought all the lecturers in the Department into one social body. Social visits such as marriages, weddings, and even burial ceremonies were attended as one body. We have pressured the Dept to promote members as and when due. Christmas Parties and other social engagements have become the other of the day
4) As the secretary of the local organizing committee of the 3rd annual regional symposium of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (an umbrella body for all the Lecturers in Biochemistry in all the Universities in Nigeria), I was able to organize the symposium for the South East region on Septem-ber 1 2005. This brought all the Biochemist in south East together
5) As the current Bar secretary of the University of Nigeria Senior staff club ( A relaxation center for all sen-ior staff of the University), I spear headed the visit of Vice President Atiku Abubakar on the 19th July 2017 to address the University on restructuring of the country. This has strengthened the Club in various capacity
6) As the chairman of the Local organizing committee of the 31st annual conference of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and molecular Biology, I organized the most successful national conference at the Univer-sity of Nigeria from 31st November to 3rd December 2011. The attendance was quite huge.
7) As the immediate past National Secretary of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Nov 1st 2011 to Nov 2015, ( an umbrella body for all the Lecturers in Biochemistry in all the Univer-sities in Nigeria) I have visited all the Department of Biochemistry in all Nigerian Universities where I mobilized more staff to be members of the Society. This I achieved. I also spearheaded the chatter of the institute of Biochemists a bill which sought to make Biochemistry a noble profession. The bill has passed through the 3rd reading at the National Assembly. I and the then National Present met with numerous law makers to lobby for the passage of the bill.
8) As the immediate past Associate Dean of the Faculty of Biological Sciences (2014—2016), I mobilized staff of the faculty into one block and stopped the hitherto bickering of different ―blocks‖ and ―camps‖ that have constituted a cog in the progress of the faculty.
9) Between June 2017 and March 2018, National Universities Commission has sent me to: (1) Caleb University Imota, Lagos State (2) Crawford University Igbesa, Ogun State (3) Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo (4) Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomosho (5) Kwara State University Malate (6) Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife and (7) Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa State, to evaluate their programmes in Biochemistry. This gave me the opportunity to extend my social dragnets in interacting more with staff and students of these Universities.
Finally, as the current chairman of the organizing committee for the 14th Eni-Njoku memorial lecture being a lecture series put up by the University of Nigeria to honour her first indigenous Vice Chancellor late Prof Eni Njoku, I have not only mobilized the University community for the event which comes up on June 4th 2018, but also succeeded in getting the Executive Governor of Abia State, HE Dr Okezie Ikpeazu to chair the event. Also the Vice Chancellor of University of Abuja, Prof Michael Adikwu will be the Eni Njoku lecturer while Senator Hope Uzodinma, a serving senator of the federal republic of Nigeria will be the guest lecturer. The current NAFDAC DG, senator Gill Nnaji, three other serving Vice Chancellors will be among the dignitaries I have mobilized to attend the occasion.
Prof Jerry Ugwuanyi, Dean, Faculty of Biological Sciences, UNN 08033066518;
Prof F.C. Chilaka, HOD, Biochemistry, UNN 08037459903