Fantastic News from Godfrey Okoye University College of Medicine!

We’re thrilled to share that our pioneer students are gearing up for their second MBA examinations in less than a year. Reverend Father Professor Christian Anieke, the Vice-Chancellor, expressed pride in their exceptional performance in both theoretical and practical aspects of their studies.
These ambitious medical students have set high standards in medicine, showcasing courage and determination during dissection and laboratory activities. Some will even travel to Austria for additional lectures, fostering collaboration with Kepler University College of Medicine and other international institutions.

Reverend Father Professor Anieke urged our dedicated university staff to continue their commitment, maintaining our position as one of the world’s best universities and the top in the South East.
The medical students commended the top-notch main campus, praising the institution for providing excellent facilities for learning. They attribute their courage during dissection to the psychological and mental training received, emphasizing their comfort in working with cadavers and other practical materials. Join us in celebrating the achievements of Godfrey Okoye University and its aspiring medical professionals.