First Fruit Harvest of STEP…
Recall that just recently, on Friday 28th September, 2018 Godfrey Okoye University formally inaugurated the STEP project to kick off in the University; the first of its kind in a Nigerian university. Founded in 2006 at the University of Lüneburg, Germany, the project is an initiative which helps students explore various economic possibilities, their inner creative potentials and making independent livelihood. The project is designed to extensively train a selected number of students in institutions of higher learning, and financially empower them (amidst supervisions and follow-ups) to start up their respective choice of businesses in hope that they will successfully develop into being independent, responsible and law abiding citizens. The Project nonetheless is hoped to grow the nation’s economy and by extension create more jobs in the society.
Mrs. Meggy Kantert, the International Liaison Officer with Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu presented to the Senate Council of the University with the First Fruit Harvest of the Student Training for Entrepreneurial Promotion (STEP) project.


During her presentation to the GOUNI Senate Council, Mrs. Kantert who attracted the project to Nigeria and to GOUNI elaborated the progress and success of the project also announced with testimonial clips that the first set of two hundred (200) students who enrolled into the STEP program have successfully acquired various economic empowerment Skills and have as a matter of reality begun exploiting opportunities in such areas. She vocally thanked the Council for their initial approval of the Project; as well as promise that the entire university will soon feel the spread of the benefits of the project.
“STEP is a stepping Stone for my life after school … Now, with what I have acquired in the program, I can say that I already have a wonderful economic plan for myself the sooner I leave school” testified one of the STEP participants
The presentation was greeted with a thunderous applauds from the Senate Council Members. Senator Judge Okorie, on behalf of the Council immensely commended Mrs. Kantert and her STEP team of trainers for the bountiful harvest and enjoined them to keep the speed and commitment to ensure that the university produces more Job creator rather than job seekers.