Godfrey Okoye University Trains 11 Entrepreneurial Lecturers!

Godfrey Okoye University Trains 11 Entrepreneurial Lecturers!

11 entrepreneurial lecturers have successfully completed an intensive training program organized by the Directorate of Entrepreneurial Studies at Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu!

The aim of this training is to equip our lecturers with the necessary skills to properly train students of Godfrey Okoye University and the Institute of Ecumenical Education, Thinkers Corner, to become job creators rather than job seekers.

Speaking at the certificate presentation ceremony, our Vice-Chancellor, Reverend Father Professor Christian Anieke, expressed pride in Godfrey Okoye University being the first to integrate entrepreneurship into its curriculum, life, and ways of doing things. He highlighted the STEP Project, our signature entrepreneurship program launched in collaboration with Leuphana University as a pioneering initiative in Nigeria.

“We cannot afford to do this poorly, as it impacts Africa as a whole. We must succeed,” Professor Anieke stated, reaffirming the university’s commitment to building a future of skilled and innovative entrepreneurs.

Professor Anieke was also pleased to see representatives from other African universities participating in the training, and he emphasized the positive impact this will have on our students.

Earlier, Mr. Christopher Uwakwe, Director of the Directorate of Entrepreneurial Studies, noted that the support of both Leuphana and Godfrey Okoye Universities made the training a huge success.

The training featured participation from lecturers of Leuphana University, University of Venda (South Africa), Mount Kenya University (Kenya), the National Universities Commission (Abuja), Godfrey Okoye University Enugu, and the Institute of Ecumenical Education, Thinkers Corner Enugu.

Congratulations to all our entrepreneurial lecturers on their achievements, and a big thank you to all our partners for making this a success!

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