Management of Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu pay Christmas visits to Bishops Catholic Diocese of Enugu

Management of Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu pay Christmas visits to Bishops Catholic Diocese of Enugu

The management of Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu has been commended for discovering talented youths and empowering them with the required skills that make them useful members of the society.
The Bishop, Catholic Diocese of Enugu, Most Rev. Dr Callistus Onaga made remark while receiving the Vice Chancellor of the university, Rev. Fr. Prof. Christian Anieke and Principal officers of the institution who paid the Bishop Christmas visit.
The visit is an annual event by the officials to celebrate the Christmas with the Bishops.
The religious leaders were entertained by two of the members of staff of Godfrey Okoye University group of institutions, Edwin Akpagu and an artist called Rabai.
Bishop Onaga said the diocese is happy with the activities of the university, stressing that he will continue to support the institution.
The Bishop prayed for the successful conclusion of the institution’s activities this year and smooth take off next year.
Speaking during a similar visit by the officials, the Emeritus Bishop, Catholic Bishop of Enugu, Most Rev. Dr. Anthony Okonkwo Gbují said that with the support of Godfrey university, the Center for Evangelization, Research and Ministries has trained many Nigerians on Evangelization.
Bishop Gbuji noted that Rev. Fr. Prof. Anieke had contributed immensely to the growth education and human empowerment in Nigeria.
Earlier Prof. Anieke expressed gratitude to the bishops for their support to the university.
The Vice Chancellor said that the Senate of the university had approved a certificate course for the evangelization center.
Rev. Fr. Prof. Anieke described Bishop Onaga, as the major pillar behind the university.
The students of the institutions were represented by the Students Council of Honours President, Success Enenta and her Vice, Sylvester. A. Nwonye.

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